Welcome to The Basketball Academy.
We’re the Mecca of weekly stories, life hacks, and basketball insights.
We help you build a solid foundation for your sports journey.
Today’s Basketball Academy takes 3 minutes and 21 seconds to read.
The Basketball Academy is brought to you by Changing The Game
Changing The Game is the first-ever completely women-led coach development conference.
They've brought together some of the greatest minds in leadership, biomechanics, practice design, culture creation, skill adaptation, player development, motor behavior, applied performance, sports psychology... and more.
The vision is to multiply the value coaches currently bring to their teams, their families, and their colleagues.
The mission is to flip a culture.
Follow them on Instagram - @Changingthegamefinalfour
SPECIAL GUEST 🚨 - Brian Burton
Brian is a College Basketball Analyst, ESPN Broadcaster, Co-Founder & CEO of Uprise & All-Access Network, Rising Coaches DEI-Alliance Vice President, Husband, and Father of 3.
Here’s what we’re serving up:
🏀 #1 - Coaching Thoughts 💭
🏀 #2 - Favorite Action 🎥
🏀 #3 - Practice Keys 🔑
Being The Best Assistant Coach 💭
Brian gives incredible advice on how you can be a great assistant coach:
Add value across the board to your players & head coach
Be a great teammate
Build trust
Must Add Action 🎥
“Stack Options”
Here are 5 Stacked options out of a similar alignment 💥
• Gortat ✅
• Flip ✅
• Shallow ✅
• Chase ✅
• Ghost ✅
Disciplined practice environment 🔑
Coach Saban on teaching something in the film room before doing it on the field.
A good question to ask before “installing” something new: Do we have tactical acumen & habitual ability to implement this thing?
If not: film or a classroom is a great place to explain a drill before practice.
As Doug Lemov says- the best cultures have the best internal language & a lot of practice is using familiar vocabulary to “cue” them of something you’ve taught.
Athletes Perceive a pattern that is coming (a defensive coverage), then they Decide or make a read then they Execute that habit at speed. (Perceive, Decide, Execute).
A lot of great teaching can be done in a classroom so drills flow smoothly.
Conan O’Brien shares famous Don Rickles & Frank Sinatra story:
We’re big Steve Martin fans, in his book “Born Standing Up” he says this:
“I did stand-up comedy for 18 years. Ten of those years were spent learning, four years were spent refining, and four years were spent in wild success. I was seeking comic originality, and fame fell on me as a byproduct. The course was more plodding than heroic.”
I love that idea: fame fell on me as a byproduct, or when fame found Martin, he wore it well. The work has to be the win, everything else is just extra.
Until next week.
Listen to the pod here ⬇️👇
BONUS 🚨 - Run to the Roar
Ole Miss head coach Mike Bianco reminds his men no one gets anywhere alone. Don't forget to thank the people who packed your parachute along the way.
Rest in Peace to Dejan Milojevic, Warriors assistant coach and incredible member of the basketball community. A decorated international player and a distinguished head coach in Serbia.